The largest neighborhood in Buenos Aires, it is the "Barrio" of music, street art and underground culture par excellence. It was during a walk in Buenos Aires in the famous district of Palermo Soho that the name and atmosphere took shape for this third establishment. Truly inspired by the atmosphere and the graffiti artists, Guillermo and Maximo have this time the ambition to offer a completely different concept to the Parisian public.
Barrio Norte thus wishes by this place, to make discover all the culture "street art" omnipresent in the Argentine capital. This desire is reflected on the walls, thanks to a fresco painted with a spray can, signed by the duo TAROE 1OPERA in warm colors, which instantly draws customers into its universe and its history.
Designed as the daily meeting point for its clientele, Palermo, like the Argentinian "confiterias", aims to be the friendly place in the district.
Open 7 days a week, early in the morning until late at night, it is a brasserie that can be enjoyed at any time of the day, drawing inspiration even in its menu, from the "street food" of Buenos Aires. . You can find empanadas of all kinds, choripan or milanesas, panchos and always the best-chosen Argentinian meat “cortes”. All around a Quilmes or a fernet, without forgetting again and again a 100% Argentinian wine list.
32 Rue des Moines
75017, Paris
Metro line 13 - broaching
Opening time :
Every day from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
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